Pin Lord purpose statement and stakeholder clause
Yourstuffmade pty ltd trading as Pinlord has a legal requirement to commit to a higher standard of accountability in all decision making, even through leadership changes or capital raises. It signals to our investors, community, employees, and directors that our mission is embedded into the core of everything we do.
This legal requirement is a commitment to consider the impact of decisions on all stakeholders — employees, customers, suppliers, the community, and the environment. This aligns with our overall mission to change the space we trade in for the better and create measurable positive change.
Yourstuffmade pty ltd (ACN 645 589 804)
Resolution of sole member under section 249B(1) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
The undersigned, being the sole member of the Company as at the date this resolution is signed, is in favour of the following resolutions:
That the Constitution of the Company be amended by:
1. Purpose statement clause
a ‘The purpose of the Company is to deliver returns to shareholders whilst having an overall positive impact on society and the environment"
2. Stakeholder clause
1 In discharging their duties under this constitution, applicable company legislation and the general law, the directors or other officers of the Company:
(a) will include in their consideration the following factors:
(i) the likely consequences of any decision or act of the company in the long term; and
(ii) the interests of the company’s employees; and
(iii) the need to foster the company’s business relationships with suppliers, customers and others; and
(iv) the impact of the company’s operations on the community and the environment; and
(v) the desirability of the company maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct; and
(vi) the interests of the members of the company; and
(vii) the ability of the company to create an overall positive impact on society and the environment; and
(b) Need not give priority to a particular matter referred to in paragraph (a) over any other matter, (included in paragraph (a) or otherwise)."
Date: 25/5/23
Signed by Liam Byrne
Title - CEO/Founder