Ethically Produced Certified is proudly an ethically produced certified company!


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What does ethically produced mean in our modern times?

With rising stressors such as Global warming, huge levels of pollution from waste and exploitation of people still far too common, the high importance of this mission comes from the developing global consciousness in understanding the true COST of a product. It is now critical to understand that a products impact does not start when you purchase it or stop after you throw it away.


Historically an ethical product was judged mainly on purity, trueness and rarity, to create fake ivory for example was unethical, a misguided thought, considering the unethical practices to obtain ivory or causal conflict... Do we live in better times, or has it only shifted? With growing populations, overconsumption and exploitation to feed our new "needs", humankind is in a serious battle to lower our impact while trying to feel happy through greed.


Modern times have enjoyed an abundance of information, technology and options to act ethically. Never before has humankind been so informed or able to act on choices to act ethically. With new power to make ethical choices it's important to align with a modern understanding of ethical manufacturing.


Product manufacturing is one of the most unethical industries, negatively impacting people, products and the planet. is a global NFP organisation dedicated to building a community that takes responsible manufacturing action through regulation and certification. Regulating the manufacturing industry through enforcing modern ethical standards and certifying (registered logo) manufacturers who act ethically to help customers support ethical companies.


Ethically produced standards focus on three key pillars:

1) People

Taking a stand against cheap inhumane sweat shops through introducing:

  • Paid holiday and sick leave
  • Suitable working hours and breaks
  • Safe conditions (protective wear, clean air, safe materials, maintained equipment)
  • Safe employee feedback
  • Wages in-line with legal obligations
  • Employment register (all employees must be legal age and status)

2) Product

In the pursuit to make products as cheap as possible and at any means to be "competitive" - fast products are creating devastating environmental impacts. Ethical product standards include:

  • Increasing the lifespan of a product (re-usable, repairability, materials, engineering)
  • Low carbon emissions through manufacturing

3) Planet

Changing the way manufacturers see product waste to develop a progressive mindset of "wasted product" - to understand that every product has a lifespan that needs conscious thought. Planet safeguards include:

  • Safe waste (non-hazardous stable materials)
  • Sustainable materials (environmental planning)

people, planet, product ethical


Get involved in the Ethical movement apply here

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